1. Incursion (noun): (An invasion or attack, especially a sudden or brief one) (आक्रमण/धावा)
Synonyms: Attack, Foray, Incursion, Invasion, Assault.
Antonyms: Retreat, Withdrawal, Surrender.
Example: When the troops made an incursion across the border, they ruined any chance for peace between the two countries.

2. Evanesce (verb): (Pass out of sight, memory, or existence/ to vanish slowly) (ओझल हो जाना/ग़ायबहोना)
Synonyms: Disappear, Evaporate, Vanish, Fade Away.
Antonyms: Appear, Arrive.
Example: Jack’s dog was confused as it watched the rainbowevanesce into nonexistence.
Verb forms: Evanesce, Evanesced, Evanesced.
Related words:
Evanescence (noun) - क्षणभंगुरता
Evanescent (adjective) - क्षणिक
Origin: from Latin evanescere, from e- (variant of ex-) ‘out of’ + vanus ‘empty’.

3. Construe (verb): (Interpret (a word or action) in a particular way) (अर्थ लगाना/ आशय करना)
Synonyms: Interpret, Understand, Parse, Render, Elucidate, Decode
Antonyms: Misunderstand, Confuse
Example: Even though Ellen looked at the handwritten note several times, she was unable toconstrue the message behind Henry’s messy text.
Verb forms: Construe, Construed, Construed
Origin: from Latin construere ‘analyse the construction of a sentence’.

4. Semblance (noun): The outward appearance or apparent form of something. (झलक/आभास)
Synonyms: Appearance, Facade, Front, Veneer.
Example: Even though she was nervous during her presentation, she tried to project a semblance of calmness while speaking.
Origin: from French, sembler ‘seem’

5. Illicit (adjective): (Forbidden by law, rules, or custom.) (अवैध/अनुचित)
Synonyms: Illegal, Unlawful, Illegitimate, Unauthorized
Antonyms: Lawful, Moral, Authorized, Legal
Example: In the prison, inmates are prohibited from having illicititems such as drugs, alcohol, and weapons.
Related words:
Illicitly (adverb) - In a manner disapproved or not allowed by custom or law
Origin: from Latin illicitus, from in- ‘not’ + licitus (allowed).

6. Clique (noun): (A small close-knit group of people who do not readily allow others to join them.) (गुट)
Synonyms: Coterie, Group, Cabal, Faction, Posse
Antonyms: Individual
Example: Elaine did not receive an invitation to Rachel’s birthday party because she is not a part of the popular clique in the college.

7. Reckoning (noun): (A person's opinion or judgment.) (मत)
Synonyms: Opinion, View, Judgment, Evaluation, Appraisal, Consideration.
Antonyms: Avoidance, Negligence.
Example: When she got her dream job after years of struggle, it became a change of luck in herreckoning.
Verb forms: Reckon, Reckoned, Reckoned.
Related words:
Reckon (verb) - Be of the opinion.

8. Ginormous (adjective):(Extremely large) (विराट/विशाल)
Synonyms: Huge, Vast, Extensive, Gigantic, Colossal, Gargantuan.
Antonyms: Insignificant, Little, Miniature, Miniscule, Minute.
Example: A stadium colossal in size can hold enormous people.
Origin: Blend of giant and enormous.

9. Extradite (verb): (Hand over (a person accused or convicted of a crime) to the jurisdiction of the foreign state in which the crime was committed.) (प्रत्यर्पण करना/भागे हुए विदेशी अपराधी को योग्य अधिकारी के हाथ मैं सौंपना)
Synonyms: Deport, Hand over, Send back, Repatriate.
Antonyms: Hold or keep to oneself.
Example: After robbing the bank, Jeffrey decided to move to a country that would not extraditehim to face charges.
Verb forms: Extradite, Extradited, Extradited.
Related words:
Extradition (noun) – Deportation
Origin: from French, ex- ‘out, from’ + tradition ‘delivery’.

10. Au fond (adverb): (In central or primary respects.) (मूलतः)
Synonyms: Fundamentally, Basically, Elementally, Radically, Constitutionally, Essentially.
Antonyms: Superficially, Ostensibly
Example: Au fond, we all want our lives to be safe and secure.
Origin: from French au fond
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